Johnnetta McSwain presents her acclaimed “Breaking the Cycle, Beating the Odds, 12 Step Self Awareness Model (SAM)” workshop in front of a live audience. Breaking the Cycle, Beating the Odds, 12 Step Self-Awareness Model is powerful on it's own. Add Johnnetta's riveting story to it, and it is transformed.
This workshop introduces audiences to a groundbreaking Self-Awareness Model (SAM) that teaches individuals to overcome and triumph over unforeseeable, extraordinary circumstances in life by breaking those negative cycles that cripple and impede one’s ability to beat the odds.
This workshop will be empower all to release unconscious, hurtful scripts and connect to inner/personal energies that lead to recovery and truth in our conscious lives. Audiences will learn self discovery, acceptance and release of past traumatic histories, and self-sustaining skills to grow and succeed. In turn, this model and the subsequent skills gained can be taught to clients empowering them to break the vicious cycles that hold them hostage.
This workshop leaves audiences with an enhanced ability to fight, to love, to forgive, to survive, to confront and face fears, and the power to change through a program based on the Self-Awareness Model (SAM) that was created from the personal life experiences of an African-American woman who overcame a vicious cycle of poverty, violence, sexual, mental and physical abuse and self destruction.